Grasse, summer 1764

“His name was Jean-Baptiste Grenouille and if his name has been forgotten today, it is because his gifts and his sole ambition were restricted to a domain that leaves no traces in history: to the fleeting realm of scent (…)
In his cabin, inside a quilted box with cotton, he had twenty-four tiny bottles with a perfume made of the auras of twenty-four maidens (…)
They perceived only his counterfeit aura, his fragant disguise, his stole perfume…”
(Patrick Süskind, Perfume.)

“Se llamaba Jean-Baptiste Grenouille y si su nombre ha caído en el olvido se debe a que su genio y su única ambición se limitaban a un terreno que no deja huellas en la historia: al efímero mundo de los olores (…)
En su cabaña, dentro de una cajita acolchada con algodón, tenía veinticuatro frascos diminutos con el aura reducida a gotas de veinticuatro doncellas. (…)
Lo único que percibieron de él fue su aura usurpada, su máscara fragante, su perfume robado…”
(Patrick Süskind, El Perfume.)